Advice for ICM doctors in training
Updated 12 June 2020
13 March 2020
CAs evidenced by developments over the last few days, it is likely that the NHS will have to manage increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases in the weeks ahead. This will be a critical time for those working on ICUs and we anticipate that ICM consultants and trainees will be unable to leave their trusts during this period. The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) has considered the impact of this on key issues related to the training programme.
Service requirements
We are aware that there may be a need for hospitals to request intensivists in training to provide service support during the potential peak period of the outbreak. Faculty Tutors and Regional Advisors are asked to provide or facilitate appropriate pastoral support to intensivists in training during this time. The hospital’s Guardian of Safe Working should be made aware of any changing requirements and any change to hours worked.
No doctor should be expected to practise beyond their clinical competence. Anyone who is working in an unfamiliar environment must receive appropriate induction, be familiar with local governance arrangements and have undertaken training in the use of PPE including fit testing or equivalent and procedures for donning and doffing effectively.
Doctors should be given a clear line of medical supervision that is appropriate to their level of competence.
Further guidance from Health Education England can be found here
Trainee progression
FICM, in conjunction with the Joint Academy Training Forum, and in accordance with guidance from Education Leads in the Four Nations and the Medical Director of the General Medical Council, recommends a flexible approach to ensure that the progression of trainees is maintained despite the circumstances caused by COVID-19.
We will be requesting that local Schools and supervisors adopt a flexible approach to the sign off of units of training and progression through the training programme. We are reviewing the situation regularly and will provide further updates as required.